Monday, September 30, 2019

Carl Rogers Core Conditions

This is statement summarizes the basic hypothesis and therapeutic conditions that distinguish the person-centered approach from other approaches. Rogers (1960, p33) believed that if the therapist can provide a certain kind of relationship, the client would discover within himself/herself the capacity to use the relationship for growth and change for the development of personal growth. So what are the characteristics of the therapeutic relationship that Rogers believed to be essential?These are congruency, unconditional positive regard and empathic understanding. Rogers’ (1957) said that a therapeutic relationship can occur if there are two people in psychological contact, the client is experiencing in congruency or is anxious, the therapist is congruent or integrated in the relationship, the therapist experience unconditional positive regard and acceptance for the client as well as an empathic understanding of the client’s internal frame of reference and strives to comm unicate this experience to the client.He further believed that no other conditions are necessary, if all this conditions are present overtime, constructive personality change will occur. Rogers’ provide a brief summary of the core conditions he believed to be essential in a therapeutic relationship in his book A Way of Being (Houghton Mifflin, pp 115-117). â€Å"The first element could be called genuineness, realness or congruence. The more the therapist is himself or herself in the relationship, putting up no professional front or personal facade, the greater is the likelihood that the client will change and grow in a constructive manner.This means that therapist is openly being the feelings and attitudes that are flowing within at the Counseling and Psychotherapy Page # 2 moment. The term transparent catches the flavor of this condition: the therapist makes himself or herself transparent to the client; the client can see right through what the therapist is in the relations hip; the client experiences no holding back on the part of the therapist. As for the therapist, what he or she is experiencing is available to awareness, can be lived in the relationship, and can be communicated if appropriate.Thus, there is a close matching or congruence between what is experienced at the gut level, what is present in awareness, and what is expressed to the client†. â€Å"The second attitude of importance in creating a climate for change is acceptance, or caring, or prizing – what I have called ‘unconditional positive regard’. When the therapist is experiencing a positive acceptant attitude toward whatever the client is at that moment, therapeutic movement or change is more likely to occur.The therapist is willing for the client to be whatever immediate feeling is going on – confusion, resentment, fear, anger, courage, love, or pride. Such caring on the part of the therapist is nonpossesive. The therapist prizes the client in a tot al rather than a conditional way†. â€Å"The third facilitative aspect of the relationship is empathic understanding. This means that the therapist sense accurately the feelings and personal meanings that the client is experiencing and communicates this understanding to the client.When functioning bets, the therapist is so much inside the private world of the other that he or she can clarify not only the meanings of which the client is aware but even those just below the level of awareness. This kind of sensitive, active listening is exceedingly rare in our lives. We think we listen but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know†. Congruence implies that the therapists are true, that is they are genuine, integrated and authentic during the therapy session.They are without pretensions, what their inner feelings and the external expression of it are one a nd the same and they can honestly articulate their feelings, thoughts, reactions and attitudes that are present in the relationship with the client. The therapist who is congruent conveys the message that it is not only permissible but desirable to be oneself, he. /she presents themselves as transparent to the client and thus refuses to encourage an image of herself as superior, expert and omniscient (Mearns and Thorne, 1992 p15.). Person-centered therapy emphasizes that therapy will not progress if the therapist feels one way about the client but behaves in a different way. So that if the therapist either dislikes or disapprove of the client but pretends that he/she accepts the client. Therapy will not work. Counseling and Psychotherapy Page # 3 The unconditional positive regard of the therapist to the client tells us that it is of the utmost importance that the therapist’s caring be nonpossesive.If the act of caring is rooted in the therapist’s need to be liked and a ppreciated, constructive change in the client is inhibited. Therapists should give importance and genuinely accept their clients without placing conditions on their acceptance. It should not be an attitude of â€Å"I’ll accept you when†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , rather it should be â€Å"I’ll accept you as you are†. Therapists should let their clients know that they value their clients as they are and that clients have the freedom to feel and experience an array of emotions without fear of losing their therapists acceptance of them.When the therapist is able to embrace this attitude of acceptance and nonjudgmentalism, the client is more able to feel safe, to explore negative feelings and to move into the core of his anxiety or depression, he is more likely to face himself honestly without the ever present fear of rejection or condemnation (Mearns and Thorn, 1992 p15. ). However, acceptance is the affirmation of the client’s rights to have their own beliefs and feeli ngs, it is not the approval of all behavior.One of the fundamental tasks of the therapist is to understand client’s feelings and experiences perceptively and precisely as they are presented during the therapy sessions. The therapist tries to feel the client’s subjective experience in the here and now. The aim is to persuade clients to go deeper within them and experience their inner selves to recognize and resolve the unease that is present within them. Empathic understanding suggests that the therapist should be able to feel what the client is feeling without becoming lost in these feelings.It is also necessary to recognize that empathic understanding goes beyond the act of identifying the presenting feelings of the client but rather should include those feelings deep and less Counseling and Psychotherapy Page # 4 experienced feelings. Therapists’ empathy brings about a more profound understanding of the self in the part of the client and an elucidation of thei r beliefs and worldviews. Rogers (1980) asserts that when the therapist can grasp the clients’ private world as the client sees and feels it – without losing the separateness of their own identity – constructive change is more likely to occur.In Rogers’ perspective, the client/therapist relationship should be one of equality; therapists do not keep their knowledge a secret or attempt to mystify the therapeutic process. The progression of a client’s transformation is largely dependent on the quality of this equal relationship. As clients’ experience the therapists’ accepting way of listening to them, they eventually come to listen acceptingly themselves. As they find the therapist caring and prizing them, clients begin to believe in their worth and value.As they experience the genuineness of the therapist, clients also discard their pretensions and become real with themselves and the therapist. References Mearns, D. & Thorne, B. (1992) Person-centered counseling in action. London: SAGE Publications Limited Rogers, C. (1961) On becoming a person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Rogers, C. (1980) A way of being. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Rogers, C. (1986) Carl Rogers on the development of the person-centered approach. Person- Centered Review, 1(3), 257-259. Thorne, B. (1992) Carl Rogers. Newsbury Park, CA: Sage

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Law Reflection Question: Law vs. Morality Essay

Plot Summary: John Quincy Archibald’s son Michael collapses while playing baseball as a result of a heart failure. Immediately, John Q rushes Michael to the emergency room for a transplant. Unfortunately, the insurance would not cover his son’s transplant. So in order for Michael’s quick and complete recovery, John takes the emergency room hostage until the doctors agree to get the transplant successfully. Reflection Question: In your reflection essay, you will briefly describe the connection and conflict between Law and Morality – use the text (p.12-15) and class notes to help you. After watching the movie, apply ideas of Law and Morality to the movie plot of ‘John Q’. Also, as part of your essay, state your opinion about which side of the conflict you would support – the Law side or the Morality side. Justify your answer with specific examples from the movie and your own values and beliefs. Expectations/Format: – 2-3 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font Times New Roman Introduction: Explain the term law – What is it? Where does it come from? Discuss ‘Rule of Law’ and why law is important? Explain the term Morality – what are the sources of morality? Why is it important? What is the connection between law and morality? What is the conflict between them?Explain using an example. Paragraph 2: Connect the plot to the aspects of law – What is the legal issue/conflict that is occurring? Paragraph 3: Connect the plot to the aspects of morality – What is the moral issue/conflict that is occurring? Paragraph 4: In seeking justice, which side of the conflict would you support – the law side or the morality side? Support your answer with specific examples from the move and from your own values and beliefs. Conclusion: Summarize your thoughts and recount your main points regarding the importance and challenges of law

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Carillon Tower Design and Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Carillon Tower Design and Construction - Essay Example A client may select a specific site for a tower, or look for the advice of the architect. The architect carries out a complete site analysis before beginning any design. The architect illustrates and documents the topography, climatic conditions, traffic and roadways, landscape features, existing buildings, solar orientation, and pedestrian access in different plan views of the site. This site data is studied carefully alongside the objectives of the project in order to determine the best orientation and location of the tower (Sutt et al. 2013). ii. Appropriate listening area isolated from noise and traffic, accessibility, quality of views and landscape, ample distance from tower as a function of tower height, accessibility of seating, and other amenities that boost the listening experience. iii. Impact on neighboring community- (Negative: potential â€Å"nuisance† element of unrestrained sound, positive: a source of community pride and symbolism.). Through site examination, the architect may notice that a present tower has some faults with regard to siting or an area preferred by the client is not the best site for the tower. The architect is obliged to advice the client accordingly in this regard. Before arriving at a final decision, all parties must comprehend the pros and cons of prospective sites. The actual design of the tower can begin once a site is agreed on and the framework for the tower is identified (Sutt et al. 2013). During past years, many towers were made of masonry construction-brick or stone walls often with brick for most of the wall thickness and stone on the outside. These types of towers effectively resisted both axial and lateral loads because of their sheer mass. The introduction of reinforced concrete technology in the last century enabled the construction of beam frames and rigid concrete

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reprt Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reprt - Lab Report Example The value of Gs is a numerical value with no units and does not depend on which system of units is used since it is a ratio. The specific gravity of liquid is a significant parameter in industrial processes, and it is a factor in most equations that involve weight-volume relationships. For instance if during an industrial process sugar syrup or salt solution is needed, it can be easily determined if the solution has the correct concentration by measuring its specific gravity at a particular temperature. The specific gravity for liquids can be written as: Gs = density of the density (g/cm3)/ density of water (g/cm3) Theory: Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a fluid to the density of water at a constant temperature. Specific gravity can be calculated directly from the measured density of a liquid divided by the density of distilled water. A suitable alternative method is use a hydrometer. This is a specially calibrated instrument made of a hollow glass float designed to f loat vertically in liquids of different densities. The depth to which the hydrometer sinks in the liquid represents the density of the liquid. The instrument has a calibrated scale on its stem which is used to read specific gravity. The diameter of the stem determines the sensitivity of the stem. An exceptionally sensitive hydrometer has a thin stem and a large bulb (Frey, 44). Experimental Procedure The glass cylinder was placed on a flat level surface and filled with sample liquid to allow air to rise to the top. The hydrometer was gently lowered into the flask with the bulb end facing down without it coming into contact with the sides of the fluid. The measurements of specific gravity measurements for each of the two fluid samples were taken and recorded with the hydrometer floating freely in the fluid. The hydrometer was removed and the procedure repeated nine times for each of the two liquids. The values of specific gravities were compared. Description of apparatus: Hydrometer, glass cylinders Data: Measurements Sample S Sample E 1 1110 900 2 1120 890 3 1123 870 4 1124 860 5 1110 890 6 1100 900 7 1110 890 8 1120 880 9 1000 900 10 1110 890 average 1102.7 887 Results/calculations: Average specific gravity for sample S = (1110 +1120+ 1123+ 1124 +1110 +1100 +1110 +1120+ 1000+ 1110) /10 =1102.7 Average specific gravity for sample = (900 +890+ 870+ 860+ 890+ 900 +890 +880+900 +890) /10 =887 Conclusion/discussion: The specific gravity of a liquid is the same everywhere since it is the ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water at 40C whereas density is mass per unit volume. The volume and mass remain constant but weight changes on the moon. The hydrometer sinks deeper in lighter liquids than the heavier ones due to the fact that heavier liquids are denser than lighter ones. In this experiment, the average specific gravity or each of the two liquids is 1102.7 and 887 respectively. Thus, the denser of the liquids, the higher the specific gravity ob tained. This explains why it is easier to swim in sea water than swimming pools due to the fact that density of sea water is higher than that of swimming pool water. The existence of salt increases the density of sea water. The specific gravity of fluids was successfully obtained using the hydrometer; thus the goal of the experiment was achieved. Work cited Frey, Walter.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Journal of Korean Melodrama Peppermint Candy (1999) Movie Review

Journal of Korean Melodrama Peppermint Candy (1999) - Movie Review Example The movie shows that it was the manipulative and oppressive society that led Yongho to commit suicide out of the sufferings that the social system caused him. The movie opens up to show that Yongho was a young business and then he eventually loses his enterprise and his money due to the bankruptcy. He also goes through a failed marriage with a Honja who is a woman he used. He eventually loses his dreams of marrying Sunim, his true love, and becoming a photographer. The movie explores these events through the psychological exploration of Yongho. The viewers are clearly shown how these psychological issues are caused because of an oppressive society in which Yongho loved. The society killed his individuality and his innocence to make him a person with no hope and no love. The director also explores how the political, economic, and social crisis of Korea in the 1980s and 1990s affected Yongho. His character was such that the Korean audience could relate to easily as he was a symbol of degradation of the society. Thus the movie clearly showed how the repressive and manipulative social system could absolutely tear an individual apart. The society was a militarized and patriarchal society which was male oriented. The issues displayed in the film explore the masculine ideology that was present in the Korean society at that time. The most important element which showed the masculine ideology was the militarized society that shaped Yongho’s life. The military control over Korea influenced the masculine ideology which prevailed in the state. The elements that portrayed the masculinity were the organized use of violence and avoidance of the reproductive activities which are culturally feminine. Another element which clearly showed the masculine ideology in the movie was the marginalization of women. The movie was about a man’s life from a male perspective and it totally failed to portray the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

GRID (Clustered) SAN computing standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

GRID (Clustered) SAN computing standards - Essay Example 2. A storage system which consists of network elements such as storage devices, computer systems, servers, control software (such as server administration and site server) that will communicate over the network. Storage networks are distinguished from other forms of network storage devices simply by their low-level access method they use and is very similar to such network devices as ATA, disk drives and SCSI hardware. Inside a storage network, the server will issue a request for specific blocks of data and this device on the storage network will then send requests across the network. In the clustered GRID infrastructure would be a series of SAN devices that would then integrate as part of the larger network in order to share the storage capabilities inside the GRID. As such, each device would then be added to the larger network that can be used by other networked devices such as a computer workstation. An example of this computing infrastructure, courtesy of Force10, shows how this cluster/GRID computing network is positioned to utilized these storage devices GRID computing is the transformation of a computer infrastructure into an integrated Virtual Organisation that allows for dynamic collaboration and the ability to share resources from anywhere in the world. This sharing provides users with an unprecedented amount of computing power, especially for those in the field of scientific investigation and collaboration in which the needs of the computer power cannot necessarily be handled by one such computer. Through integration inside the GRID of such supercomputers will enable users to access power without the need to purchase larger systems. GRID computing is based on three concepts as outlined by Reddy (2004) "as: Virtualization: severing the hard-coded association of resources to systems Resource Allocation and Management: dynamically allocating resources on demand, and managing them and finally, Provisioning: configuring resources whenever and wherever needed." (Reddy, 2004) Kalzar Amin, Gregor von Laszewski and Armin R. Mikler Kalzar, et al describe the term Grid computing as commonly referred "to a distributed infrastructure that promotes large scale resource sharing in a dynamic institutional "virtual organisation" (VO). A computational Grid forms a closed network of a large number of pooled resources providing standardized, reliable, specialized and pervasive access to high-end computational resources." Typically, in order to establish a computational Grid, several institutions pool their resources such as computational cycles, specialized software, database servers, network bandwidth, and people. As a result of this "pooling" global policies will be set for the virtual organisation which will in an essence identify each of the participating entities' roles and responsibilities, much like in a LAN server networking scenario. Each of the site institution administrators, who are generally trained as network administrators will then enforce these policies at the domain level. The GRID administrators will then provide each of the GRID users their appropriate credentials and through these credentials will the users access

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Multimedia Report Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multimedia Report - Article Example I wondered how parents find joy in parenting a child who does not grow intellectually and socially; is unable to interact with parents and siblings; does not exhibit sensory and conscious awareness, communication and personality factors associated with personhood. I wondered how parents of anencephalic children find joy in parenting. I found an answer in a North Carolina News 14 video about a Charlotte family invited by an organ donor organization to ride a float in the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade. The video was well-done, with still shots of the baby, family, and footage of parent comments, and information. During Shannon’s pregnancy, baby Skylar, a girl, was found to be anencephalic. She had a brain stem and open neural tube, said by our book to sometimes be caused by a lack of folic acid in the mother’s body (Page 36). They decided to carry her to term. They did this in order to donate her organs (her liver cells), to give meaning to Skylar’s life, to help anoth er family (the mother explained), to keep from â€Å"focusing on the dark side† (as the father said). Skylar lived for 99 minutes, after birth, surrounded by family and friends, and died in her mother’s arms. The photos clearly show love and compassion and parenting joy in this child. The mother commented, â€Å"She really changed our lives†. ... 5 video clip and article, together, about a Colorado boy with anencephaly (brain stem only, open neural tube) who has miraculously lived for his first birthday celebration. Most babies with anencephaly do not live even until birth, and even then not more than minutes, usually. His mother and grandparents clearly love him. He is cuddled and held. Mom explains that he cannot see, hear, suck, crawl, sit, and has no teeth. She expresses pain that she will soon have to bury him, yet she brags about how he smiles sometimes and how they once â€Å"got him to laugh† (Vanderputte, 2009). They celebrate every milestone, not knowing if there will be another. Mom says, â€Å"He’s a miracle. He’s changed so many people’s lives†. Because I am captivated by this theme of the joys of parenting, and how it overcomes difficulties as great as a lack of apparent personhood and consciousness, I am impressed by her courage in finding parenting joy. In this particular art icle, however, I am most intrigued by the mother’s statement that they â€Å"got him to laugh†, and the excitement in her report of his smiles, and their ability to â€Å"celebrate every milestone†. It is possible, though unlikely, that modern medicine is mistaken and that children without a brain can express emotion, consciousness and learning. If not, the mother is projecting hopes onto a child incapable of fulfilling them. Yet she does so and feels joy. If we are â€Å"programmed to respond positively to babies† (Brooks, 2010, p 3), is parenting joy simply parental projection, in this case? Two among six reasons that people reportedly take on the parenting role are to feel excitement at children’s growth and development and to feel accomplishment in helping children grow (p 4). If growth and development are lacking,

Monday, September 23, 2019

International Risk Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Risk - Term Paper Example Introduction Main Street Capital Corporation (MSCC) was founded on 9, March 2007 with a diverse purpose agenda. The firm assists the business corporations and companies by providing the long-term debts to the middle market and the lower class middle market (LMM) companies. It also helps the middle markets by providing them with the equity capital and tends to commence its partnership with entrepreneurs, management organizations and reputed business companies and it normally grants the financing alternatives within its lower-middle-market profile (MSCC, n.p.) Such classes of companies normally generate $10-$150 million per annum and the long term debt investments are made for the companies greater than the lower-middle-market companies with respect to their business capital multitude. It seeks to bridge financial hole and the gap between LMM businesses and the investment and revenue generations. With the expanse of the MSCC, the company has debt and invested in almost 59 LMM companies till the Fall, 2012. At the end of the year 2012, the Middle Market scenario of the investments had risen up to 85 companies in total. The basic business strategies are categorized as follows 1. Delivery of the customized solution of financial problems in the LMM market. 2. Focusing and assisting the newly established companies. 3. Invest to help multiple companies, Business firms, industries, Regional and capital markets by strictly following a pre-defined investment criteria. 4. Leveraging on strong finance sourcing groups. 5. Lower rates of debts as compared to other debt companies and banks and providing benefit from long term, fixed capital and lower capital financing. (MSCC, n.p.) Owing to the expanse in the business and the investments, financial decisions, debt planning and managing the total expenditure per annum is ofcourse a very risky job and it renders the streamline of the company vulnerable to loss exposure and other risky situations. Following are the risk factors w hich could be predicted stochastically on the basis of the firm’s performance and subject to the economic and investment constraints, business structure and the competition with other business investment funds. The sinusoidal behavior of the economic conditions of US could be catastrophic to the performance of the firm. This rise and all in the country’s economy renders the operation of the company very risky and will obviously down trod the portfolio of the firm. Managing and deploying the capital with proficiency Competitions with other firms Referral conditions, relationships, and the maintenance of such relationships by managing and pacifying all the cliches and the rifts between client and our firm. It could be risky Rules and regulations governing the working of the firm and adversely affecting the way in which the firm rise its capital. Money borrowing business. So the potential for the gain or loss is amplified and so is the risk of investment on the company Su bjugated to the SBA authority regulations because of the licensing issues. Insurance rules in Germany Germans believe in the quotation â€Å"Better safe than sorry†. Germany is the forefront of technology trade and hence it is also a scientific hub. Because

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Effects of Divorce Essay Example for Free

Effects of Divorce Essay Divorce can be defined as the termination of a marital union, the canceling of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and the dissolving of the bonds of matrimony between married couples (Wikipedia, 2013). Divorce affects the couple and children (if any). The divorce is the most serious social problem that affects almost the entire life of the children and the couple, it also makes troubles like: sadness, despair, and unforgettable moments (Williams, 2013). In this paper, I will be discussing the factors contributing to divorce in Canada and will also explain certain statistics used as well. The methodologies that I will be using are both the qualitative and quantitative approach. The reasons I am using both of them are because by using the quantitative research, I will develop mathematical hypotheses pertaining to the phenomena. Also to analyze this topic with the use of statistics to make it somewhat accurate, while for quantitative; because it will explain in word data about my information. I strongly believe that these two forms of methodology will properly explain the factors contributing to divorce. The history of the legalization of divorce in Canada predates that of its colonial overseer, England, where it was only in 1857 that divorce was legislated, mainly on grounds of adultery. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island respectively enacted divorce laws in 1761, 1791, and 1837, generally on grounds of adultery (Wu Schimmele, 2009). It was not until 1968 that Canada enacted its first unified Federal Divorce Act, which was followed by the more liberal or no fault act of 1985 and it was mentioned that the sole reason for divorce is marriage breakdown, which is defined as either living apart for at least one year, or committing adultery, or treating the other spouse with physical or mental cruelty. Though divorce rates have not increased recently in Canada, the number of divorced persons is however increasing with population growth. In 2007, there were 972,183 divorced women and 712,531 divorced men in the population (Statistics Canada, 2007). The difference between the men and women is because divorced men re-partner faster and more than women and also because women live longer than men.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Military Orders Essay Example for Free

Military Orders Essay The issue of following military orders from higher ranking military officials that may be unethical has been a disturbing and controversial issue over many years and decades. Many soldiers and service members in general have been put into a situation where they were given in order, knowing well that the situation isn’t right but cannot disobey. The leader giving the order in all likelihood may threaten or set out stiff punishment on to the individual who did not follow the order or hesitates to follow out on the order. It just isn’t fair that these soldiers and service members are put in these situations and get punished for doing the right thing. When this situation may be in question in a court of law because of the severity of the crime, these soldiers may get in trouble for committing the act even though they were just following orders. This is a big problem in the United States military and it’s not fair that these soldiers and service members, who sacrifice their lives for our freedom, are punished and put in this situation. Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) makes it a crime for a military member to willfully  disobey a superior commissioned officer. Article 91 makes it a crime to willfully   disobey a superior Noncommissioned or Warrant Officer. Article 92 makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order (the disobedience does not have to be â€Å"willful† under this article). In fact, under Article 90, during times of war, a military member who willfully disobeys a superior commissioned officer can be sentenced to death (Powers, N/A). The articles that mentioned above clearly state that a service member cannot disobey a lawful order or they will be punished for the crime, under the article covers their punishment. The excuse of just following orders when they are lawful or not is not an excuse nor will it bold well in a military court. Following through with an unlawful order is bad if not worse than disobeying a lawful order. The individuals committing these crimes will be held accountable and will be punished to the fullest extent. In other cases, some service members have made willful decisions in which they have went AWOL from the orders they received and were supposed to report. An example is when an Army flight surgeon who is risking his career to force President Barack Obama to prove he’s a natural born citizen is under investigation by the Army after failing to report for duty in preparation for an Afghanistan deployment. Lt. Col. Terrance Lakin was ordered to report to Fort Campbell, Ky. on April 12 but instead reported to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, his former assignment (Jordan, 2010). In this situation, Lt. Col. Lakin is committing a willful crime that is illegal under the articles of UCMJ and is only doing this because of his beliefs. His beliefs that President Barrack Obama needs to prove he is a natural born citizen of the United States. Just reading this article, it provides me with this question: Is it really worth getting in trouble and potentially giving up on a well decorated, stable career for just not showing up to your assigned place of duty just for some proof. President Obama was put into office for a reason and like any job out there was checked up upon and is very much qualified for the position. I think this is a bad decision by Lt. Col. Lakin. Giving up so much for this purpose is just plain ridiculous to me. There are also times where groups of soldiers disobey orders set out for them only because they feel for their lives. Maybe, they experienced something before they lead them to disobey the order. In 2004, Jeremy Hudson of the Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Miss. , the reporter who broke the story about a military unit in Iraq refusing to go on a dangerous mission. The U. S. military unit in Iraq reportedly refused an order to join what the soldiers called a suicide mission to deliver fuel from their base near Nasiriyah to another base near Taji further north. The soldiers were reservists in a Quartermaster Company. They were supposed to deliver fuel. And they had had some concerns previously about delivering the fuel because of, as they termed it, ill-equipped vehicles mainly lacking the proper armor, and even maintenance problems with the vehicles. They had expressed this, from what I have been told, to their commanders, and basically it fell on deaf ears. They got together and talked to their commanders, from what Im told was for some time, and basically got nowhere. So they decided together to not go (Hudson, 2004). In an article in the Lancet (The Lancet, 2011), a survey was conducted 7 to months into a 15 month, intensity combat deployment in Iraq, between December 11, 2007 and January 30, 2008. An infantry brigade combat team soldiers were picked randomly based upon their company and last four digits of each of these soldiers social security number. The following is an a piece of the article explaining the methods conducted to produce this survey. These soldiers were then invited to complete an anonymous survey 3 months after completion of the training. Reports of unethical behavior and attitudes in this sample were compared with a randomly selected pre-training sample from the same brigade. The response patterns for ethical behavior and reporting of ethical violations were analyzed with chi-square analyses. We developed two logistic regression models using self-reported unethical behaviors as dependent variables. Factors associated with unethical conduct, including combat experiences and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), were assessed with validated scales (The Lancet, 2011). 500 random soldiers were selected to take the survey and 421 agreed to do the anonymous post training survey. 97 soldiers completed the pre-training survey. The following is the results of the surveys that these soldiers took. Training was associated with significantly lower rates of unethical conduct of soldiers and greater willingness to report and address misconduct than in those before training. For example, reports of unnecessary damage or destruction of private property decreased from 13 ·6% (54 of 397) before training to 5 ·0% (21 of 421) after training (percent difference ? 63 ·2%), and willingness to report a unit member for mistreatment of a non-combatant increased from 36 ·0% (143 of 397) to 58 ·9% (248 of 421). Nearly all participants (410 [97%]) reported that training made it clear how to respond towards non-combatants. Combat frequency and intensity was the strongest predictor of unethical behavior; PTSD was not a significant predictor of unethical behavior after controlling for combat experiences (The Lancet, 2011). With the results of this survey I have come to the conclusion that training is the key to educate these soldiers on how to handle combat situations. The percentage increased in every topic discussed and it proves the fact that training is the absolute way to help these soldiers learn and understand the rules and regulations. What is lawful and what is not. Also, the soldier rights to disobey an order that is not lawful. There are other unethical matters that deal with the military and orders that are ordered to take place. The issue of a soldier that is wounded/injured in a warzone or a military environment and is taken to a medical facility receives but the soldier makes the decision to refuse the medical attention. What rights does the soldier if any have? Does this soldier have the right to make this decision? By not receiving the medical attention, he or she can affect their own livelihood and also others around them by refusing to get help. In an article by Janet Kelly, of the University of Hull, UK, she presents a few scenarios on about this topic and what happens when a soldier does deny medical treatment. The following paragraph is in the article and shows one of these scenarios. With the examples I provided, I have learned that the United States military strictly punishes its service member with the crimes they commit by going by their governing document of the UCMJ. Following military orders is a strictly enforced. There isn’t any room for error when an order is given unless it is an unlawful order and can be challenged by the service member towards the superior official.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact Of Zakat In Society Theology Religion Essay

Impact Of Zakat In Society Theology Religion Essay The socket has been introduced in pre-colonial Malaysia .Before the British colonial Malaysia, the village in the country, as in other parts of the world developed through land settlement or colonization. One of the popular methods was the collective Pondok system, which was particularly common in the Muda Region of Kedah. By this system, a group of settlers would gather around and a person who is well -versed in Islamic Knowledge or who had already established himself as a religious teacher .After the they found a suitable place , they will build their Pondok (huts) around a Madras; a religious center for worship as well as teaching. In the case where the group has been established, they would invite a religious teacher from elsewhere to set up a Madras among them .This religious teacher was also the Imam of the community, in the sense that he led five prayers daily in the mosque or madsarah. The group of peasant will be going out to open land around the clusters of their Pondok, leaving their children to the teacher for religious education at day time. For those wives who are unable to work with their spouse in the land also will obtained religious instruction from the teacher. The peasants will receive religious at least one or twice a week and longer on Friday because it was a day of rest. They will spend more time in the mosque than the field. As an appreciation for the service provided by the teacher, the peasants usually will collectively clear a piece of land and cultivate if for the teacher. Slowly, as the land become more productive and the production level of each peasant family exceeds the nisab of 480 Gantang  [1]  for each harvesting; the peasant family would pay skate at their 10 % of the gross yield of the paddy. According to Afifudin, those early days all the skate form a specific group in the Pondok system would go to the teacher. If a group of 50 sacked paying peasants would contribute a minimum of 2400 Gantang each year .As time goes by, the wealth of the teacher can be accumulated. The teacher can use the socket for the expansion of Madras. During the colonial period in Malaysia especially Kelantan, Zakat was administered by imam, who is the local religious leader managed the Zakat collection and supervised by the division of inherited party. In order to finance the intensified activities, the state required imams to surrender part of the Zakat they collected at the village level. However, this method is only partially successful due to the British regime replaced Grahmans, the Islamic administration .The Grahman took charge of civil administration, he divested the imams of their civil function .which were transfer to the headman (ketua kampong). According to secret institution in Malaysia .During British Colonial Period, The segregation between religions, custom and temporal matters took place during this period. All Islamic and Malay customs related matters were administered by a special body known as Majlis Agama Islam Negeri (MAIN). Other than that, the rest came under the purview of the British civil and criminal law system (Matters associated with socket were administered by MAIN. Accordingly, in Zakat Satu Tinjauan, Kelantan was the first state to establish the body which later became a model to other Malay States. Under this model, the Imam (spiritual leader) has been empowered to govern skate related matters and a portion of Zakat collection would be delivered to the state government as a financial resource for Islamic affairs. That was how the administration of soaked developed until today which remain under the supervision of State Islamic Councils. After the independence of Malaysia, New Economic Policy has been introduced. The Zakat fund is use for investment purpose .In the early 1970s ,the minister of National and Rural Development, Encik Ghaffae Baba, who was also the chairman of Mara ,urged all the state Religious Councils to invested substantial portion of their money (mostly derived from the collection of Zakat) in Amanah Saham Mara .The objective is to eliminate the income gap between the ethnic group in Malaysia, especially the Muslim and Chinese. DEFINATION AND CONCEPT In the Islamic world, Muslims are required to give compulsory charity with determined purpose and established rules. This compulsory charity is known as Zakat. Zakat is one of the five fundamental pillars of Islam; it stands as the third pillar of Islam, just after Salat, the daily ritual prayer. Allah has mentioned Zakat about twenty times in the Holy Quran combined with Salat.   Basically, Zakat, or Zakat al-Mal, means obligatory alms or alms upon wealth. Alms is a gift of money, clothes or food, it is equivalent to charity and is a type of donation. Moreover, Zakat is literally means to be clear, to grow, to increase. It comes from the root letter za, kaf, ya which consists of few meanings, which are to be clean, to pay the obligatory charity, to be pure innocent, to be better in purity and to praise oneself, to justify. All of these have been included in the Quran and explain all of these things. In addition, Zakat can be defined as the transferring ownership of an amount of material wealth specified by the Lawgiver to a poor Muslim who is neither Hashimi nor their client, without material benefit returning to the giver in any way, for the sake of Allah Most High. [Tumurtashi, Tanwir al-Absar] Hashimi in here means those from the family of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Besides, the term Zakat and sadaqah are often used interchangeably in the Quran and Sunnah, where sadaqah also means charity. However, Zakat refers to obligatory charity and sadaqah refers to voluntary charity. Zakat can be categorized into two types; there are Zakat-ul-Maal (Zakat on the wealth) and Zakat-ul-Fitr (Zakat on the individual). It is recommended to every Muslim to pay sadaqah after paid the two types of Zakat. Other than that, Allah has prescribed Zakat as a duty to Allah, upon every wealthy individual. Every Muslim also has nisab, which is a designated minimal amount of wealth for the full cycle of a lunar year must, as a matter of worship, satisfy the duty of Zakat-Charity. This charity is to cleanse or purify the individuals wealth. Unlike charity, Zakat can only give to Muslim; it is not valid to give Zakat to a non-Muslim. THE OBJECTIVE OF ZAKAT The primary objective of Zakat is to elevate the spirit of human being above the material acquisition. Consequently, Islam does not view the Zakat payer as a mere of sore of funds, but as a person who always needs purification and cleansing, both spiritually and materially .The prophet (p) summaries this purpose in the ayat ,sadaqa from heir wealth by which you might purify and cleanse them. Zakat, when paid out of submission to the command of Allah, is a mean of purifying the soul of a Muslim from greed and miserliness. The vices of selfishness and greed must be controlled in order for human beings to elevate their spirits, to succeed in their social relations in his life, and gain admittance to paradise .Allah Almighty says, Truly man is niggardly! (17:100) and But people are prone to selfish greed.)Zakat is a purifier that trains Muslims to give and spend selflessly .It liberates their souls from the love of wealth and slavery to materials gains and acquisitions. On top of that, Zakat is a mean of training Muslims on virtues of generosity as much as it is a means of purification from greed .Being paid in repetitive pattern year after year, regular Zakat as well as Zakat al-fitr train Muslims to give and spend for charitable purpose. The Quran describes believers as the righteous who have the virtue of spending for good reasons. The very second sura of the Quran begins, Alif .Lam .Mim.That is the Book with no doubt .In it is guidance for the god-fearing: those who believe in Unseen and establish the prayer and give of what we have provided for them.This exhortation is reiterated many times in the Quran ,such as Those who give away their wealth by night and by day ,secretly and openly ,: Those who give in times of both ease and hardship and The steadfast ,the truthful ,the obedient ,the givers ,and those who seek forgiveness before dawn. Also, once a person is trained to spend on public interests and to give to his brethren out of his own wealth, he is most likely to be freed from any urge to transgress on other peoples wealth and possessions. Besides that, Zakat trains people to acquire divine characteristic. If man purified of miserliness and greed and becomes accustomed to the habit of giving and spending, his soul is elevated above low human trait of covetousness, Truly man is niggardly! (17:100) and aspire to the height of Divine perfection, since one of the characteristic of Allah is absolute and unlimited mercy, powers, theoretical and practical .Allah obliges Zakat in order to perfect human souls in graciousness to other people ,as the prophet says, Train yourselves to attributes of Allah. This encouragement to spend through Zakat and voluntary charity resulted with time, you in the emergence of charitable trusts all over Muslim world, trusts devoted not only to helping the poor and needy but to all causes for human beings as well as animals. In addition, Zakat is to shows expression of thankfulness to Allah .Gratitude and thankfulness are among the best characteristics of human beings. Zakat is an expression of thankfulness to Allah for the bounties .He gives on us .Allah, says al-Ghazali, and has gives on human spiritual and materials bounties. Prayers and other acts of physical worship express gratitude for the blessing of creation, while Zakat and other acts of donator worship express gratitude for the material blessings of Allah .The concept that Zakat is thanks Allah for His bounties is s widespread and deeply rooted in the consciousness of Muslims that it is common to say that one must give Zakat in thanks for the grace of sight, hearing, health, knowledge, etc. Also, Zakat stimulates personality growth in those who pay it .Through helping others overcome their financial difficulties, Zakat payers are enriched by feelings of self-worth and fulfillment. Zakat also helps offer the payers self to others and grow through helping them and gives the payer a noble sense of victory over his base desires and material drives-over his owns shaytan. Last but not least, Zakat is to purify wealth. This is because Zakat is a right to the poor, not paying it means keeping something that belongs to others intermingled worth ones wealth and this brings Allahs wrath on the whole wealth. The Prophet (p) says, If you pay Zakat on your wealth, you have taken away its evil. IMPACT OF ZAKAT IN SOCIETY Undeniable, the concept of Zakat is the cornerstone in Islamic finance and economic system. Zakat is a compulsory charity that every Muslim must pay and to help the poor people. This has causes Zakat play an important role in the society, especially the Muslims society. Below are several impacts brought by Zakat system? The Zakat system helps to make sure the societys wealth circulation is in a fair and clean condition. Due to the wealth people must pay Zakat to the poor, the wealth will not become too rich whereas the poor will not become poorer. Definitely, there are some restrictions in order to choose the Zakat recipients, the restrictions can make sure those who receive the Zakat is with a reasonable and acceptable reason. In this case, Zakat has becomes the duty of wealth people, just like a compulsory charity must done by wealth people. But, the percentage of Zakat paid is depends on the wealth of an individual, it is not a system that forces people to pay a certain amount, but is require Muslims to pay their minimum amount according to their wealth which is affordable. Zakat also allows an individual to purify and grow his wealth. Man is naturally greedy and always want more and more to fulfil their unlimited utility. Zakat, with the obligatory charity, require Muslims to do charity. This process might make the people to think of others and come out from the race of personal interests. It has help to cleanse the selfishness of an individual where someone may extend his financial in order to help more poor people and those in need. The Holy Quran also has mentioned that And whose is saved from his own avarice such are they who are successful. With more and more individual with this personality can maintain the peacefulness of the society and becomes the role model for the next generation. Besides, Zakat system has helped to reduce the poverty problem in many countries. The main reason for poverty in any society is the concentration of wealth is limited to a very few people in a particular country. The introduction of Zakat system is actually for the purpose of this root cause of poverty. If everyone will need to pay Zakat, no poor or the unfortunate would have to involve in the begging. As the wealth is distributes to the poor, the poor will have the ability to continue struggling for their lives. In addition, Islam has prohibited the poor or needy from stretching hand before others. In the economic perspective, Zakat has also help to increase the production volume. When the Zakat has distributed to the poor and people in need, they would spend the money to satisfy their personal needs or basic needs, which then results in the increase of production volume. A rich individual however, will not need to spend too much money in order to fulfil their needs in life. Even the one wants to spend much, it will not more than a group of poorer spending money for basic needs. Moreover, the increase in production volume will led to the rise of several economic activities. In order to support the increased production, the economy would generate more jobs and more working opportunities which causes the unemployment level tends to reduce with the growth of economy in overall. The rise of job opportunities will then generates more demand of goods and services and more space for additional investment. And, finally, the growth cycle will lead to a balanced economic growth. Other than that, the Zakat system also will increase the overall savings of people, although with the concept of discouraging of over storage of money for an individual. Consequently, the income level of a society also has increased. All of these economic activities will led to the decrease in probability of economic recession. As the Zakat system is used to balance the wealth between the rich and poor, the chance of recession can be reduced. The impact brought by Zakat towards economic has improved the living standard of society, the inequality and poverty problem reduced and helped to decrease the crime rate and any other social evil that would harm the society. This is how the Zakat system makes a difference towards the society. TYPES OF ZAKAT Zakat is divided into several types: Zakat of Income Zakat of Savings Zakat of Business Zakat of KWSP/LTAT Zakat of Share Zakat of Livestock Zakat of Gold and Silver Zakat of Crops Zakat of Income Extra payment received by an individual from their employer or individual itself in the form of physical energy or physically or professional employment for specific day, month and yearly also been required to pay Zakat. Employment income includes: The annual salary Other allowances Unpaid wages Other remuneration such as bonuses, etc. Method of Calculation First Method Using gross income (without deduction) 2.5% on gross income per year. Example: Total gross income per year: RM 25,000.00 Amount of Zakat (2.5%): RM 625.00 Monthly Payment: RM 625.00 /12 = RM 52.08 Second Method Using the net income (Income year less allowable expenses per year) x 2.5% Expenses allowed deduction (per year): -:- Self: RM 8,000.00 Wife: RM 5,000.00 Children: RM 1,000.00 KWSP: 11% from gross income workers Parents Contribution: RM (amount given) per month x 12 months Contributions to organizations that pay the Zakat (for example: Lembaga Tabung Haji, Takaful) Zakat of Savings Contribution of workers and employers to KWSP People Provident Fund , Soldiers Provident Fund (LTAT) are also required to pay Zakat as the concept is similar to savings but the different is savings of KWSP and LTAT could not be withdraws anytime where never they like and it is subject the rules. Fixed Deposit Fixed deposit of RM 100,000 was kept for a year without the excluded (assumed nisab charity at that RM 9430.00) Then charity is required to produce are: RM 100,000 x 2.5% = RM 2.500 Regular Deposit Method of Calculation (Duration haul is January 5, 1999 until February 7, 2000) (Assuming nisab of charity at that RM 3,323.50) So Zakat are: (Balances with lower interest bank refused WITH) X 2.5% (RM 9,115.00 RM 115.00) x 2.5% = RM 225.00 Zakat of Business Zakat been given out by Sole Prop irate, Partnership, Cooperative Society, Societies and Organization which had reached one year and the time limit. Method of Calculations [(Current Assets Current Liability) + Coordination x Percentage of Muslims Share x ZAKAT ABILITY (2.5 %)]. Zakat of KWSP Contributions of employees and employers into the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Army (LTAT),or the like imposed zakat as conceptually the same as saving money, but with the difference amount of savings, LTAT and so on shall not be issued at anytime because and subject to regulations that is fixed. Method of calculation First Method 2.5% of the contribution that issued once money issued. Second Method 2.5% of contribution every employee is based on the annual statement Zakat of Shares Zakat which is given out for investment which has reached its time limit and minimum value. Methed of Calculation 2.5 % the value of lowest share share which is own for one year minus for shared borrowed. If the lowest value is not determined, use the value beginning early in the year or in the year or whichever is the lowest. For shareholders which must be owned by investors. Muslims in the long term to gain control a company or firm so his payment for Zakat will be based on the calculations that it will not affect the importance of other Muslims to get hold of the company. If any of the owners shares has not reached one year, but the whole property being changed for a number of time for one year from shares to cash and vice versa, so use the lowest value with the mixture of money and shares, shares with basic to count Zakat multiply 2.5 %. Zakat of Livestock Livestock Zakat is property Zakat that required to be taken out in perfect the conditions. Domestic animal that obliged to pay Zakat is among them such as goat, cattle, camel, sheep, and buffalo. Prophet S.A.W said From Muaz Ibnu Jabal, had said, RasulullahS.A.W was sending me to Yaman and ask me to collect zakat from each of 30 cows, 1 lamb musinnah (1 female cattle aged up to 3 years ) and every 30 cows, tabi or tabiah ( 1 male or female cattle aged up to 2 years). The livestock that we would like to give a Zakat must be perfect and no defects such as missing the foot or hand and so on. COWS/BUFFALOES Quantities Zakat Amount / Sex 30-39 tail 1 tail, age 1 year / male 40-59 tail 1 tail, age 2 year / female 60-69 tail 2 tail, age 1 year / male 70-79 tail 1 tail, age 1 year / male and 2 tail, age 2 year / male 80-89 tail 2 tail, age 2 year / female 90-99 tail 3 tail, age 1 year / male 100-109 tail 1 tail, age 2 year / female and 2 tail, age 1 year / male 110-119 tail 2 tail, age 2 year / female and 1 tail, age 1 year / male 120 tail above tail, age 2 year / female and 3 tail, age 1 year / male GOATS Quantities Zakat Amount / Sex 40-120 tail 1 tail, age 2 year / male or female 121-200 tail 2 tail, age 2 year / male or female 201-399 tail 3 tail, age 2 year / male or female Subsequent additions : Every of 100 tail plus plus 1 tail, age 2 year / male or female SHEEP Quantities Zakat Amount / Sex 40-120 tail 1 tail, age 1 year/ male @ female 121-200 tail 2 tail , age 1 year / male @ female 201-399 tail 3 tail, age 1 year/ male @ female Subsequent additions : every 100 tail Increased by 1 tail, age 1 year / male @ female. Zakat of Silver and Gold Gold and silver is a mineral that is required to charity. This is because these metals are very useful as it uses an exchange value of all things. As for other jewelry than gold and silver like diamond, pearl, silk, copper, are not obligatory Zakat on it. Nisab Zakat gold used = 200gram Gold Zakat Nisab unused = 85gram Zakat of Crops Zakat for basic food after it has reached the stage of satisfaction for the state which is 363 gantang / 1300 kg like paddy, wheat, cereals and so on. Method of Calculation First Method Cereals and fruits which used by people energy, animals and machines will use a lot of expenditure and so that the Zakat is 10 % or 1/10 Second Method Cereals and fruits depend on rain water, so Zakat is 5 % or 1/20 Third Method Cereals and fruits depends both as above method, so Zakat is 7.5 % ZAKAT PAYMENT When Does Zakat Become Obligation Only the wealth of Muslims is imposing to Zakat, it is not required from non-Muslim. First, this is because Zakat is one of the Pillar of Islam; it cant expect any disbeliever to pay it. Second, Islam is one of religion which is prohibiting any action that enforce others accept Islam as ones religion. In additional, if people just adapt them to Islam they should not be asked any past due of Zakat (the period of disbelief). According to the Shariah, Zakat is an obligatory for any Muslim who is: Mature Only major subject to the Zakat, qualify as a Zakat payer. Due to the lack of legal capacity, minor are not under a fard obligation to perform acts of ibadah. They are exempt from paying Zakat by using reason they deficiency of legal capacity. Sane As a Zakat payer, he should be sane. Before a child reaches mature, he considers as insane. He is exempt from the payment of Zakat during that period and liability of Zakat is start calculate when he get back his sanity. For another example, although the person was sane at the time of maturity but after that he becomes insanity. This person also exempts Zakat for the period his insanity. The liability of Zakat is calculated from the date of recovery of sanity. On the other hand, if the person only insanity of a part of the year, then his liability for Zakat of that year is calculated, no exempt. Free Owns the minimum (nizab) As a Zakat payer, he must meet all these four conditions. If one condition is not met, he doesnt have an obligation for the payment of Zakat. Besides, even a child, an orphan, or a mentally retarded person is exempt from Zakat payment but they are required to pay on their behalf. Last, if a person died without pay the Zakat was due, Zakat will take from the estate of a deceased person. ZAKAT DISTRIBUTION Categories Where Zakat Can Be Spent Zakat is only paid to an individual who is really needed and deserve. In the Quran, Allah (swt) says that: Zakat is for the poor and the needy and those who are in charge thereof, those whose hearts are to be reconciled; and to free those bondages, and to help those burned by debt, and for expenditure in the way of Allah, and for the wayfarer. This is an obligation from Allah. Allah is All- Knowing, All- Wise. (9:60) According to this, Zakat only can pay under eight categories. There are: The poor and the needy The main objective of Zakat is to reduce or mitigate poverty and destitution in social. The way to achieve it is taken from the rich and rendered to the poor. Actually, people who are poor and need is different. People whose are categories as poor when they are in need but due to modesty and self-respect, they are not begging from others. People who are in need and they are submitted in begging from others are classified as people who are needy. A person has become poor and needy mostly is because they are shortage in their income, they cannot fulfil the essential needs, and they are totally poverty. Besides, poor and need also includes those are physical disability, old age, or accidental circumstances. According to Al-Qaradawi, full- time students can be in needy situation when they are continuing their education. Workers in Zakat administration A person who collects and distributes Zakat is the third category of Zakat recipients. Based on Al- Qaradawi, Zakat collection and administration is the function of an organized body paid employees. Workers can receive Zakat as a compensation for their works regardless they are poor or not. Besides, this compensation must compete with the market value of their labour. Those whose hearts are being reconciled Five types of people involved in this category, there are: An individual who is close to become Muslim or whose clans may become Muslim. An individual who may do evil or harm to Muslim. Giving a Zakat to those people will prohibit them to do it. An individual who has just become Muslim, Zakat will help them to be engaged with Islam An individual who has a positive influence on Muslim. A Muslim who is expected to defend their Muslim land against attract from other. This happens especially when they are living on the boarder of a Muslim country. Muslim whose influence is needed in the process of collecting Zakat in order to convince individuals whose will not pay their Zakat. This action can avoid having fought between government and whose reject in Zakat payment. According to some jurists, such as Hanafis and Malikis, this category is not exist since the death of the Prophet but Al-Qaradawi and Mawdudi disagree with it, they state that Zakat recipients in this category have not stopped, but the payment only can make by the Islamic state, not by individual Zakat payers. Emancipation of slaves Contracted salves can use Zakat to pay his master in order to gain his freedom. Allah orders Muslims must show respect and give to give slaves who wish his contract is freeing. Besides, Allah also orders master to help his own slaves become freedom if they demand it. Allah says, If any slaves you own desire to make a contract to free themselves, write it for them if you know of good in them some of the wealth Allah has given you. Those burned in debt. According to the Hanafi School, a person is included in this category when he does not have enough wealth to serve his debt. The debts arise from consumer expenditure; it includes medical bills, building a house for personal residence, and marriage. Besides, victims those hit by natural disasters or accident and force them must borrow from other in order to continue their basic life also includes in this category. Zakat also consider as a high quality insurance against the financial effect from natural disasters or accidents. Before applying the Zakat, four conditions must be met, they are: The debtor must be in need of financial facilitating. A person who can cover his debt with his own wealth can not apply from Zakat. Besides, people who do not have sufficient wealth but they still can serve his debt with the income is eligible for Zakat. This condition shows Zakat is not only for a debtor who is totally destitute. Zakat may pay with difference depend on the level amount of debt against the available wealth of the debtor. The debt must come from Islamically lawful activity, for example borrowing in order to support the family. Loans are used for activities those are prohibited by Islam cannot be paid by Zakat. These activities include consumptions of alcoholic beverages and over-spending on lawful items. The main reason Zakat cannot be used to pay in these activities is to stop other to do this sin activities. The debt must be due immediately. Different scholar has a different idea of this condition. Some scholars approve that if the debt is due after one year, the debtor cannot get Zakat to pay it. Some disapprove of this; they argue that Zakat can give help to debtors regardless of the due date of the loans. One can be confirming is obligations owed to God are excluded in this category. The debt should by reason of other human beings. For example, obligation to Allah is excluded in this category. Obligation to Allah can be due Zakat and compensation for breaking a certain condition in Shariah. Expenditure in the way of Allah. After concluding the views of the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii, and Hanbali, three points are agreed with them. There are: Jihad considers a part of this category. The fighter who fighting for the sake of Allah is lawful to receive Zakat. However the equipment and arms to fight is not agreed with some scholar. Public works such as building school, mosques, highways and roads, and irrigation canals is not qualified to receive Zakat. Four schools say that this public works have other funds to pay it such as fay and kharaj. Wayfarer Majority jurists believe that someone who just desire and just start travelling isnt classified in this category. This is because term Ibn as-sabil is meant someone on the road and a person who starts and desire travelling is still staying at home. Besides, a person considers as travellers will cut off his financial means at home. That means no income for him when he is travelling. A person who is desire for travel hasnt cut off his financial means yet. The wayfarer is one of a category can receive Zakat because of several reasons which are encouraged by the Quran: Travelling for purpose work and opportunity. Travelling can seek more knowledge and ponder on the signs of Allah in the world and on His animal and human communities. Travel can for the purpose of jihad in the Way of Allah Travel because of to attend the pilgrimage to the Sacred House of Allah. Categories Who Can Not Receive Zakat According to Yusuf al-Qardawi (1999), there are several categories of people who is cannot receive Zakat. These categories are: The rich people Zakat has purposed to reduce poverty and destitution in social. In order to achieve it, Zakat will be taken from the rich and rendered to the poor. If Zakat is given to the rich, th

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Animal Farm, by George Orwell Essay -- Animal Farm Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This novel takes place at a farm, which its name is Manor Farm, who’s owned by Mr. Jones. He a drunk that never really took care of his animals. There was a Boar that lived on the farm his name was Old Major. He is twelve years old, had lately grown rather stout, majestic- looking pig, tushes never been cut, and wise and benevolent appearance. He sets up a meeting to discuss an important matter that happened to him the night before.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The discussion to place at night after Mr. Jones was asleep. In a barn is where all the animals had gather to listen to Old Major speech. Three dogs, a cat, pigeons, hens, pigs, cows, sheep’s, two horses named Clover, mother that never got her figure back after her fourth foal, the other named boxer, enormous beast, strong as two horses put together, white stripe down his nose, not very intelligent, respected for steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work, Muriel the goat, and Benjamin the donkey, the oldest animal on the farm and also the worst tempered. Topics of the meeting were that they do all the labor and get nothing back. Also says men are evil and that the animals should never adjust to their lifestyle. That is live in a house, sleep in bed, were clothes, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, touch money, or engage in trade. An animal must not kill another animal. Last one was all animal are equal. All the animals agreed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This was his dream and the men were vanished. There was a song that he had forgot in from when he was little, but the dream reminded him the song. He sang the song that is called Beast of England. Eventually everyone knew the song. Then they went to sleep.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Three nights later Old Major pasted away. It’s now early March and a lot of secret activity has been happening for the past three months. They would have meetings after Mr. Jones was a sleep and ended the meeting with the song Beast of England.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were three pigs that elaborated Old Majors theory. They also called it Animalism. Out of the three pigs two of them were boars, first one named Napoleon, large, fierce- looking, and not much of a talker, but got everything his own way. The other boar was named Snowball, a vivacious pig, quicker in speech, and more inventive. Third one is a porker nam... ...ars has passed and most of the animals past away. The windmill was used for milling corn. One day all the pigs come out walking on to feet. Clover, she was old, stout mare now, stiff in the joints, and tendency to rheumy eyes was shocked. So was Benjamin, he just got a little grayer. Then the pigs went back in the farmhouse. One the got close to see what was happening in the dinning room. There were pigs and Pilkington and Frederick was also there. Napoleon told them his story of how he gave less food to the animals. He also mentioned that this farm is no longer called Animal Farm, it is called The Manor Farm. They had their toast, sat down, and continue the card game. The animals were wondering what they were talking about, but they left after the pigs and men sat down. Then a loud noise was herd and the animals ran back to see what happened. Napoleon and Pilkington had an ace of spade. The entire animals saw were men and pigs. Then even truly couldn’t tell the difference .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This story I enjoyed very much. It had a twist in the end I did not suspect. Totally threw me off. I think if you were a person who likes twists this would be a good book to read.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Chance Or Planning Essay -- essays research papers

Chance or Planning Intelligence and planning are necessary factors in scientific research, however chance and luck are also important and somewhat necessary factors. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin and the memoir, The Double Helix, written by James Watson, prove this assertion. Charles Darwin, James Watson and Francis Crick were all intelligent men that planned their experiments, however without chance and luck their success and scientific achievement would not be as great. Intelligence and planning are important in scientific discovery, but are not always the dominating forces that drive scientific research. Such is the case with Charles Darwin, James Watson and Francis Crick. All three of these men were extremely intellectual, but their intellect only contributed partially to their success. Intellect and planning, combined with chance and luck contributed to their overall success. People take chances on a daily basis. If you actually stop and think about it, life is one big game of chance. It is by chance that we are born, that we continue to survive, and that we will eventually die. Some people feel that this cycle occurs do to the will of God, others, like Charles Darwin believe that it happens based on chance or natural selection. Whatever you believe or disbelieve, life cannot be planned. No matter how hard a person attempts to "plan" their path in life, it is by chance and luck where that path takes us. Darwin's career was also based on chance, not planning. Darwin never planned to become a scientist or the father of natural selection. It was by pure chance that he obtained the job on the voyage of the Beagle, which started his career. Darwin stated about this voyage that, "The voyage of the Beagle has been the by far the most important event in my life and has determined my whole career. . ." (Darwin, p.76) Darwin had not planned to take the trip on the Beagle, he obtained the opportunity by mere chance. One can attempt to "plan" for a job or career, but chance and luck are the major factors which allow for success. Although Darwin's intellect played a role in obtaining the position, chance and luck were the major factors. Many scientists suffer great strokes of luck. Two other scientists that did not "plan" their success were James Watson and Francis Crick. These t... ...major contributing factors. Charles Darwin said that his, ". . . success as a man of science, whatever this may have amounted to, has been determined, as far as I can judge, by complex and diversified mental qualities and conditions. Of these the most important have been - the love of science - unbounded patience in long reflecting over any subject - industry in observing and collecting facts - and a fair share of invention as well as common sense. With such moderate abilities as I possess, it is truly surprising that thus I should have influenced to a considerable extent the beliefs of scientific men on some important points." (Darwin, p. 145) Although Darwin stated his theory with clear and concise arguments, it was by chance that people believed him, considering he could not plan for his future success. Although planning is somewhat important in scientific research and discovery, chance plays a much more important role. Without chance most scientific discoveries would not have happened. John Lennon was quoted as stating, "Life is what happens as we make other plans." Science is much like life. One can not plan for it, it just takes place. Chance Or Planning Essay -- essays research papers Chance or Planning Intelligence and planning are necessary factors in scientific research, however chance and luck are also important and somewhat necessary factors. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin and the memoir, The Double Helix, written by James Watson, prove this assertion. Charles Darwin, James Watson and Francis Crick were all intelligent men that planned their experiments, however without chance and luck their success and scientific achievement would not be as great. Intelligence and planning are important in scientific discovery, but are not always the dominating forces that drive scientific research. Such is the case with Charles Darwin, James Watson and Francis Crick. All three of these men were extremely intellectual, but their intellect only contributed partially to their success. Intellect and planning, combined with chance and luck contributed to their overall success. People take chances on a daily basis. If you actually stop and think about it, life is one big game of chance. It is by chance that we are born, that we continue to survive, and that we will eventually die. Some people feel that this cycle occurs do to the will of God, others, like Charles Darwin believe that it happens based on chance or natural selection. Whatever you believe or disbelieve, life cannot be planned. No matter how hard a person attempts to "plan" their path in life, it is by chance and luck where that path takes us. Darwin's career was also based on chance, not planning. Darwin never planned to become a scientist or the father of natural selection. It was by pure chance that he obtained the job on the voyage of the Beagle, which started his career. Darwin stated about this voyage that, "The voyage of the Beagle has been the by far the most important event in my life and has determined my whole career. . ." (Darwin, p.76) Darwin had not planned to take the trip on the Beagle, he obtained the opportunity by mere chance. One can attempt to "plan" for a job or career, but chance and luck are the major factors which allow for success. Although Darwin's intellect played a role in obtaining the position, chance and luck were the major factors. Many scientists suffer great strokes of luck. Two other scientists that did not "plan" their success were James Watson and Francis Crick. These t... ...major contributing factors. Charles Darwin said that his, ". . . success as a man of science, whatever this may have amounted to, has been determined, as far as I can judge, by complex and diversified mental qualities and conditions. Of these the most important have been - the love of science - unbounded patience in long reflecting over any subject - industry in observing and collecting facts - and a fair share of invention as well as common sense. With such moderate abilities as I possess, it is truly surprising that thus I should have influenced to a considerable extent the beliefs of scientific men on some important points." (Darwin, p. 145) Although Darwin stated his theory with clear and concise arguments, it was by chance that people believed him, considering he could not plan for his future success. Although planning is somewhat important in scientific research and discovery, chance plays a much more important role. Without chance most scientific discoveries would not have happened. John Lennon was quoted as stating, "Life is what happens as we make other plans." Science is much like life. One can not plan for it, it just takes place.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Current Ethical Issues

To create my Ethical Organization Profile I have decided to write about an organization and the ethical and moral issues that this organization is currently facing. Baderman Island is an all-inclusive resort located on the Kelsey River. The island resort has been open to the public since 2004 and continues to grow and gain new vacationers. Baderman Island offers many activities for couples and families or even a group of friends. This resort has four hotels to accommodate its customers and a hand-full of restaurants for the visitors to enjoy. The island is equipped with many amenities that include shopping, golf, an art gallery, a spa, plenty of scenery and a recreation area. The Baderman Island Resort is managed by the Boardman Management Group (BMG). BMG has many responsibilities that include handling the regulatory, finance, legal and marketing departments as well as IT services. There is a CEO that reports to the Chairman of the Board of Resort Management and works consistently with the Resort Board of Directors. Each of the departments mentioned above have a general manager that has a designated area location. Each manager is to report to the Vice President and is responsible for his or her own area’s profit and budget. There is also a human resource department that is handled by the Boardman Management Group. The departments run by general managers include Lodging, the Convention Center, Food Services, Merchandising, Recreation and Activities, and Engineering and Transportation. These departments are all profit center with the exception of the Engineering and Transportation department. The goal of this staff is to provide visitors with a relaxing and exciting experience. After reading the Baderman Island Resort website and reading the blogs on the employee website I have noticed that there are a few ethical and moral issues facing this organization. The major issues that the organization is facing seem to result from the weather and hard rains that the island experiences. In February there was devastating storm that caused severe damage to the resort and many of the buildings on the island. There were a few injuries to visitors that were reported but zero serious injuries. This is an issue because the resort should do everything in its power to prevent any injuries to guests. Injuries to guests are a law suit waiting to happen and not to mention, ensuring the safety of visitors is ethically a priority and a responsibility of the staff of Baderman Island Resort. Another issue that resulted from the serious storm was the resort having to close the Kelsey River ferry for one day and night. This caused many customers to have to spend another night at the resort even though they had not planned to. These customers were forced to pay for another night stay at the resort and as you can imagine, were not happy about it. These customers should have not had to pay the expense for an additional night stay. This was an uncontrollable issue due to the storm but the moral thing to do in this situation is to make the extra night stay a free one for these guests. The last issue that has resulted from the rain and bed weather conditions is the paths that exist in the Botanical Gardens. When it has rained the paths are often slippery and dangerous to anyone walking on them. The visitors may or may not receive warning about these treacherous paths. Baderman Resort has tried closing these paths down but found that customers complained that parts of the Botanical Garden were closed. The bottom line with this issue is that these paths should be closed and the visitors should be warned of the danger of walking on these paths after rainfall. There should be signs all around these paths that warn visitors and workers of the danger that exists on the paths. Baderman Island Resort has a moral obligation to let its customers know of any possible danger that exist on the island. The problem could become worsened if a visitor slips and falls and is injured. This could be devastating to the resort. All these issues have stemmed from the harsh weather that this island has endured and the consistent rainfall that it receives. Baderman Island Resort has been open to the public for nearly seven years and continues to grow. This resort is well run and has a capable front office and an enthusiastic staff. Like many businesses this resort does have its issues. These issues have been addressed and they are working towards fixing them. References 2011. Baderman Island Resort. Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/CIST/VOP/Business/BadermanIsland/BadermanIsland/BIinternet/library/index. html

Monday, September 16, 2019

How the Bible Shows God as Creator Essay

The Bible has many different ways of showing God as the creator of the universe. Many people use the Bible to reflect on what God did for them, so that they are able to live as they do now. The Judaeo-Christian belief is that everything has been created; therefore there must have been a creator. They believe that this creator is God. Before there was anything there was God. God is self existent and eternal, He never began and He will never end. God is the creator so therefore has never been created. He was able to make everything from ex nihilo instead of actual matter. The book of Hebrews agrees with this, ‘†¦ we understand that the universe was formed at Gods command, so that what is seen is not made out of what is visible. ‘ Also because He is creator†¦ or just a period of time, but when He created time he gave everything a definite beginning according to His will. When God was creating the different parts of the world, He says ‘let there be†¦ ‘ and there is. This shows God as creator because all He has to do is to want something to be in a particular shape and format and it is. God took control over every single thing he made and moulded it into what He wanted it to be like. When He finished creating something ‘he was pleased,’ showing that everything He made was perfect. He dominates the beginning of the Bible with all the things that He has made himself. No one else comes into the book for some time because it is all about God, showing his dominance. The story does talk of the creation but in nearly every sentence it talks of how God created or God said or saw, it focuses on God as the creator. The second creation story is that of Adam and Eve. God makes a man from dust and breathes his own breath into him. Later on He creates a woman from one of Adam’s ribs and they are each others true companions. This story shows God as creator because it is showing God creating humans in His own image; they are separate from animals because of God breathing His own breath into Adams body. This gives our lives more meaning and purpose, God wants to live closely to humans and wants people to know about Him and live with the creator’s concerns in mind. God is responsible for everything in the universe. ‘ Discuss. Many Christians would agree that God is responsible for everything because He made our world. He purposely chose to make everything the way it is today for a reason, so if He is the one who made it all therefore it should be God who takes the responsibility of the universe. You could argue that because God made everything and He made it so that it was supposed to be perfect, then how can he allow natural disasters and disease to occur. God is omniscient, therefore everything that is happening in our world, God has chosen that to happen, everything is there for a particular reason. When God crested the world He gave us free will but He still created it, so in a way we think we have our own free will but because God is omniscient then He has already chosen what will happen to us. Human beings could be seen as God’s robots, doing what we have been programmed to do. We have a responsibility to do good whilst we are on the earth because that has been programmed into us through God when He first created Adam and Eve. However other Christians may disagree that God is responsible for everything because humans are the ones who actually live on the earth, whereas God is not actually part of this world. Human beings were given the breath of God when He created the first man and this has been passed onto all humans throughout history. By giving us a difference from animals, gives humans a higher state of hierarchy. By having this power higher than all other things on the earth it makes us responsible for the world and it is up to humans to look after it. When God created Eve she ate from the tree of knowledge which God had forbidden. This created original sin, as Eve had given into the temptation of the snake and the tree and gone against what God had said. Some Christians believe that it is Eve then who is the root of all evil. If eve had not eaten fruit from the tree, then the world might have been a better place. God gave them the chance of free will and wanted to see if they could resist temptation and because they couldn’t we are now still suffering for that mistake. So it is not God who was responsible for that but actually human beings and that is why evil occurs in the world. It is almost a warning sign from God to keep taking care of the world he created. I don’t think that there is one right answer for this question. God did create the world; therefore we are all under his power. However no one in the world is perfect and we all make mistakes and a lot of the time those mistakes can affect lots of people, until it grows into a worldwide thing. As God did give us free will then I think that makes us partially responsible for the world and space maybe not the universe.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Recruitment and Human Resources Management

Recruitment According to Edwin B. Flippo, â€Å"recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation†. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. In other words, it is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected. Flippo Edwin B. (1984) Recruitment ProcedureIn today’s scenario, the recruitment procedure varies depending upon the nature of the requirement. These procedures require the placement of the right talent at the right place, thereby making the association mutually beneficial for the employer and the employee. There are usually two types of recruitment processes. Recruitment Processes: External and Internal Internal recruitment – The term internal recruitmen t is defined as the practice of choosing amongst current company workers to fill a position that falls vacant over time.This may include a change in profile on the part of the employee. Internal recruitment is more economical and less time consuming for the company. External recruitment – In contrast, external recruitment has to do with external candidates applying for an available position. Once the staffing requirements are determined, an organization has to ensure that there are appropriate recruitment systems in place to attract and select candidates of the right caliber. This requires identifying and focusing on each of the critical stages of the recruitment process.Naturally, the resources spent for the overall selection process are more. The Human Resources Department (HRD) team plays a significant role in the recruitment process steps of every organization. Whenever a vacancy arises in an organization, it is the responsibility of the HRD to place the information in th e public domain through the various media, such as newspapers and various job sites. However, it is of utmost importance that the advertisement designed clearly defines the designation, job profile and the concomitant skill set required.Filtration and Selection of Relevant Resumes As the organization will float the advertisement for the Vacancy, the jobseekers will start applying for the position. After receiving an adequate number of responses from job seekers, the scrutiny process of the resumes begins. This step play an essential role in the recruitment selection process, because selecting the correct resumes that match the job profile, is very critical. Generally, it is done by a competent person who understands all the responsibilities associated with the designation in its entirely.Candidates with the given skill set are then chosen and further called for interview. Preliminary Selection Techniques Now a days, Online employment screening is a technique employed by certain empl oyers. This technique saves a lot of time and money for the employer. It is an efficient method to assess the skills and knowledge of the candidate with regards to the required skill set. Assessment center technique is another method that includes lots of exercises on problem solving, presentation, aptitudes test and many more.In this process, employers usually check the different skills of a person. After a candidate has cleared these tests, there is usually a formal round of interview with the HRD, where the discussion that includes salary expectations and subsequent negotiations takes place. Recruitment Interview Job interviews play an important role in the entire recruitment process. It is very important to put the candidate at ease, so as to eliminate initial nervousness and to break the ice. It is better to start with general questions to the candidate, so that he feels relaxed.Queries should be job related, objective and understandable to the candidate. In this step only cand idate demonstrates and assures the panel of his suitability for the post. The recruitment process of an organization ends by finalizing the candidate followed by other joining procedures and formalities. Suvamita Ghosh (2009/2010 Advantages and disadvantages of external and internal recruitment: Advantages of internal recruitment are more than just cutting on advertisement costs because it offers wonderful opportunities for the current staff to further their careers.Internal recruitment could also be a great way of keeping workers who may have been considering a flight from the company, this is advantageous because the cost of training are at most best insignificant and to the worst much less than it would cost if the organization advertised outside. It's definitely faster and less costly than outside recruitment and it has the added merits because current employees are a familiar entity. Some organizations conduct external recruitment only to discover later that they have a member of staff who doesn't fit into the general environ and the mission and vision statement of the organization.The disadvantage of internal recruitment is that the size of prospective applicants is considerably reduced. There is no doubt that outside recruitment provides the organization with a broader skill pool and wider experience than could be the case with internal recruitment. A staff member who responds to the internal advertised position and gets the job might discover that their workmates resent that promotion and that could prove very challenging for them in their newfound positions.If a company does its recruitment internally, It most probably faces the possibility of having another empty position to fill, and of how to do that. Organizations that heavily rely on inside recruitment might eventually find that they have to advertise outside the organization, the cost notwithstanding. Current staff may fill to be the best candidates for the position regardless of whether they ha ve the necessary expertise and expertise required for the job. Abhishek Agarwal (2008) External recruitment A PREFERENCE! Reasons To advantages. It helps you cquire competitive intelligence about other firms. New hires can help you identify other potential candidates to â€Å"poach† from their firm. The new ideas that applicants and new hires bring in stimulate the thinking of others. It keeps our employees on the edge because they know they must compete against outsiders for jobs. Outside hires don’t have political alliances already set up. This can help them implement new ideas without the â€Å"baggage† of past political battles. Some argue that hiring â€Å"already trained† people is cheaper than developing and promoting internal talent..The outside recruiting and advertising for outside hires may tangentially help build your brand, send a message that you are growing and also help boost sales. In most cases external hiring adds more to the diversity of the workforce than internal hiring. If the firm is going global, it will undoubtedly line that external â€Å"local† hires are superior and performance to internal promotions. On the contrary, there are many disadvantages of external recruitment like, Outside hires can weaken the corporate culture by bringing in counter culture people. External hires often have a longer â€Å"adjustment period† and orientation costs are higher.Customers may feel slighted if they don’t get one of the Firm’s current employees Firms with strategic alliances may anger their partners by â€Å"poaching† their talent. Hiring talent away from customers and suppliers may harm your business relationships. Legal issues can occur when hiring intact teams, top technical talent with non-compete agreements. In a competitive market you can’t hire quality talent without a strong recruiting function. Learning internet recruiting and setting up web pages may be prohibitivel y expensive or time consuming. Dr. John Sullivan (1999)In order to illustrate the recruitment and selection process, we can take an example of hiring General Manager-Operations for an organization ventured into manufacturing of Electrical Products. The recruitment procedure starts from identifying Job requirements as soon as the recruitment need is finalized. HR Department will draft the job description, job requirements and proposed compensation; develop a budget and timeline for the search process; and then submit these proposals for approval by the full board. The budget should include advertising and candidate other hiring expenses.Then the committee places ads, screens responses, checks references, develops interview questions, selects candidates to be interviewed, makes travel arrangements for out-of town candidates and conducts interviews. The next step is to shortlist the candidates in order to hire the best for the position vacant. Final round of interview can be arranged w ith the senior management along with the hiring recommendations. The final results should be notified immediately in order to complete the recruitment procedure with issuing Letter of Intent/Appointment Letter and other joining formalities.Conclusion Recruitment is essential to effective Human Resources Management. It is the heart of the whole HR systems in the organization. The effectiveness of many other HR activities, such as selection and training depends largely on the quality of new employees attracted through the recruitment the recruitment process. Policies should always be reviewed as these are affected by the changing environment. Management should get specific training on the process of recruitment to increase their awareness on the dangers of wrong placements.HR practitioners should be on the guard against all the malpractices and advocate for professional approach through out the system. The HR should indicate disagreement in the event that biasing toward certain candid ates is creeping in and point out the repercussions that may follow in terms of performance and motivation. It is the author’s conviction that, the recruitment process should be seen in the context of ongoing staff planning that is linked to the strategic and financial planning of the organization.Nyamupachari Vareta, Recruitment Process: The heart of Human Resources Management Referencing: Flippo E. B. (1984), Principles of Personnel Management (McGraw-Hill International Editions: Management Series) (Internet) Available at. Suvamita G. ,(2010), Recruitment Process Steps, (Internet) Available at . Abhishek A. , (2008), Business: Careers Employment (Internet) Available at . Dr. John S. (1999), The advantages and disadvantages of â€Å"External first’ Hiring Process, (Internet) Available at< http://www. ere. net/1999/09/17/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-external-first-hiring-preferences/>. Nyamupachari V. , RECRUITMENT PROCESS: THE ‘HEART’ OF HUM AN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, (Internet), Avalable at: .